Past Videos

September 1, 2024 - How the Round Table Intuitives “Tune In” and read.

In this video we each speak about the way we use – cards, colors, charts to tune in to a person, situation, community and even global awareness. We see “reading” as a sacred event, a way in which we tune into a greater field of wisdom.

The how we read is then followed by a quick example of a reading.

Click on the name of any person if you wish to book a private reading with them.

Ayn, creator of Intuitive Round Table, usually does a “Triskelion” consultation or a reading with three parts using astrology, tarot and either oracle or color. Joanna, founder of Tarotwood, reads with cards and also also a strong psychic. Leslie uses her Auracles to tune in and shows a few cards to help people access inner light. Amber uses the cards she has created and colors to tune in. Shalini shares how reading can help people who feel lost find their connection again with their own consciousness. Arthur also shares how his psychic abilities have developed over the years and how this has impacted his many inventions.

SHORT EXAMPLES OF TUNING IN AND GIVING READINGS – The question that we all tune into:

“What would the world look life if we (personally and collectively) choose to live in alignment with Source?” The tune in might  include, “What might change? Can you imagine that sort of Spiritual Renaissance?” 

35:20 Ayn gives an example of a tarot reading with her Celtic Elemental Deck (forthcoming with Findhorn Press 2025).

44:50 Joanna reading with the Celtic Elemental Tarot.

52:50 Leslie Sloane reads with her Auracle cards.

1:02:00 Amber reads with her forthcoming color deck.

1:09:00 Shalini tunes in with tarot to see into the future.

1:15:00 Arthur shares what he sees when he looks into the future.

August 1, 2024 - Welcome to the Round Table Intuitives

In this video each of the members of the Intuitive Round Table introduces themselves, the type of work they do, and gives a brief tune in for the month.

Viewers are welcome to send in questions, some will be selected.

The Intuitive Round Table includes the following members:

Ayn Cates Sullivan, creator of the Celtic Elemental Tarot.

Joanna Garvin Garzilli, creator of Tarotwood.

Leslie Sloane, creator of Auracles.

Amber Sibley, creator of Conscious Beauty Oracle.

Shalini Bagdasarian, creator of Shanti Om.

Arthur Franklin, psychic and creator of Crystal Blanket.